
Me 👋🏼

Hi, I'm Matt Galligan (the proprietor of this site).

I’m a dad, a Midwesterner living on the East Coast, a designer, craft beer & coffee lover, remote work evangelist, and generally into all things techy.

  • Twitter - @mg
  • Instagram - @mg
  • Github - @galligan

My work 💼

In 2021 I co-founded XMTP Labs with my long-time friend, Shane Mac. We're building a web3 messaging protocol for wallet-to-wallet communication.

Otherwise I'm just passionate about building world-class products with great design and user experiences. Previously I’ve co-founded four companies: (Picks & Shovels, Circa, SimpleGeo, Socialthing) and have led design at a couple others. While every product I’ve had the fortune to play a part in has been very different than the last, one common theme remains: finding ways to complex problems in simple and elegant ways.

This site 🖥

For ages I've wanted to collect all of the things that I'm interested in into one website. Over the years I've had random blogs, a Medium site, and have tweeted more than I'd probably like to admit. But they've all been disjointed efforts, so in an attempt to bring all of my interests, musings, writings, and reviews to one home, well, here we are!